My dearest travel companions: the Menstrual Cup

While travelling I usually found the period unpleasant. While packing, I already counted how many I would need to avoid the uncomfortable situation, to find none if I ran out or had to resort to uncomfortable alternative options, mostly mercilessly overpriced. Some years ago I found the solution for this miserable calculation (and if you are on the road for a long time also wasting space): the menstrual cup.


My dearest travel companions: Apps and Websites

A smartphone makes travelling a lot more comfortable. You don't get lost on it if you don't intend to, you communicate with friends you left behind or with your worried family, and you can access the endless information on the Internet. Read here which apps and websites I find particularly helpful.


My dearest travel companions: Coconut Oil

Oh, beloved coconut oil, what would I do without you? For years it has been a constant part of my travel equipment. Here you can find out what I use it for.
