My dearest travel companions: the Menstrual Cup

While travelling I usually found the period unpleasant. While packing, I already counted how many I would need to avoid the uncomfortable situation, to find none if I ran out or had to resort to uncomfortable alternative options, mostly mercilessly overpriced. Some years ago I found the solution for this miserable calculation (and if you are on the road for a long time also wasting space): the menstrual cup.


My dearest travel companions: Apps and Websites

A smartphone makes travelling a lot more comfortable. You don't get lost on it if you don't intend to, you communicate with friends you left behind or with your worried family, and you can access the endless information on the Internet. Read here which apps and websites I find particularly helpful.


My dearest travel companions: Coconut Oil

Oh, beloved coconut oil, what would I do without you? For years it has been a constant part of my travel equipment. Here you can find out what I use it for.


My dearest travel companions: About my somewhat unconventional hair products

It was the summer of 2014, we were in the lucky position to have a car with a roof tent to travel for a few weeks and decided to go on a road trip to Greece. From the moment we reached the Mediterranean, I went swimming every day, rinsing my hair with tap water in the evening, and only after they were no longer combable thanks to my curls I washed them with the shampoo and conditioner I used at that time (of course without silicones, with plenty of organic certificates plastered on the bottles) and was horrified when they where dry. I had an impressive mob on my head! It was this moment that made me think: How can it be that my hair is so dissatisfied with the neatly selected products I use? Aren't there any other ways to take care of them than taking along two massive bottles of liquid (which also are quite heavy) to travel? I started to read up on the topic on the internet and after a few unfortunate attempts, I have been using hair soap for washing my hair for over a year now and supplement it with an acid rinse made from natural apple vinegar and water. This rinse works like a conditioner, makes the hair shiny and easy to comb.
